miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Convent of sant Rose of Lima

The Sanctuary of Santa Rosa de Lima, "The Patron 
Saint of America" was for centuries the home of someone
 who was in life Isabel Flores de Oliva. The sanctuary
 is famous for the wishing well where thousands of 
devotees of the saint come to deposit an
 envelope with letters of requests. Personally I went
 to visit this shrine twice, first with a tour of my school
 to do a review on Santa Rosa is well known in Lima
, this room day after day you receive many visits, I 
personally think that the sanctuary gives a feeling 
of tranquility, rest.
Este recinto esta ubicado en la avenida tacna, cerca
 al rio rimac Se dice que este reciento era habitado 
por isabel flores de oliva que luego fue canonizada
 con el nombre de Santa Rosa de Lima. Aqui en este
 recinto podemos encontrar un jardin, donde fue el 
que albergo a Isabel Flores, tambien encontramos
 la silla donde descansaba, y sobre todo el conocido
 pozo de los deseos, el cual se dice que la presona 
que arroje una carta escribiendo su deseo , este se
 cumplira. En los meses de agosto es muy 
concurrido, sobre todo el 30 de agosto que 
es cuando se celebra el dia de Santa Rosa y es feriado

Lima Cathedral

Renaissance cathedral adorned limaestilo Plateresque. 
Its tall spire towers are slate with stylistic influences
 neoclassical school of El Escorial and northern Europe.
It has 3 doors, as in most cathedrals. The principal 
(the center) is called the Front Door, right side is 
called the Gate of the Baptistery and left side door is
 called forgiveness.
There are also 2 side doors, one that gives the Jews
 Street (right side) and another that gives the Patio 
de los Naranjos (courtyard attached to the Cathedral)
. In the back of the temple (Calle de Santa Apolonia)
 open another 2 covers: Santa Apolonia and San 
On the main façade you can see statues of the
 Apostles, and in the central niche, the Sacred Heart 
of Jesus. Currently in the top you can see the coat of
 Peru, at the site was originally the coat of Lima along
 with the phrase Plus Ultra.
Beside the Cathedral is the Sagrario Parish 
(one of the oldest in Lima) and the 
Archbishop's Palace, seat of ecclesiastical 
government of Lima.

The Cathedral of Lima shows various styles, from the late
 Gothic, Renaissance to Baroque and Plateresque, by the
 date of commencement of construction, the architectural
 style is Renaissance. Plant has a rectangular room
, emulating the cathedral of Seville. The roof is 
supported by ribbed Gothic vaults to recreate the
 night sky, which are made of wood and stucco to
 alleviate the burden on the walls and prevent its 
collapse in an earthquake.
Originally its Baroque altars were being replaced
 by some neoclassical altars. The choir stalls while
 presenting Renaissance tradition has an eclectic disposition.
The Cathedral itself is a perfect blend of architectural
 styles that developed in the city of Lima from its origins to today.

martin Osambela house 
The house or house Osambela Oquendo is a colonial-era 
building and stands on the old novitiate of the Dominican
 fathers, destroyed by the earthquake of 1746, and part 
of the garden, fronting on the avenue Veracruz 
(now shred Count Superunda) in the historic center of
 Lima, Peru. It is one of the largest mansions in downtown
 Lima and is notable for its broad facade and balconies
 of excellent quality.
The facade of the house Osambela is neoclassical,
 reminiscent of the Rococo. Sample 5 balconies, Louis
 XVI style, decorated with garlands and accompanied
 by 3 balconies sill. At the top is a gazebo covered by
 a small dome silhouette Muslim.
"Although the house was completed between 1803
 and 1805 in its present form, the eighteenth-century
 architecture remains perfectly still and looks much of
 the finery of Louis XVI and reminiscences of Louis 
XV; cover with neoclassical pilasters with garlands 
Ionic capitals, typical of the style, arch in segment of 
a circle, perillones cup shape flowers, overlapping
 central entry openings on three floors with plastic 
and vertical continuity of low relief in the French 
manner. It is remarkable that this sense of verticality
 is accentuated even more by the lookout, as Lima, who
 tops and exalted, by contrast, and so eloquently, broad
 and horizontal rhythm of the facade. That minaret, 
covered by a small dome silhouette Muslim, it seems
 that the first owner of the house, the Spanish banker 
Osambela binoculars watched the entrance of the 
galleons to Callao ... ".
The Last Supper By Marcos Zapata, A Master Quechua Painter Showing Christ And The Apostles Dining On Guinea-Pig, Papaya, And Yucca, Washed Down With A Glass Of Chicha. Convento de San Francisco, The San Francisco Convent Of Lima Peru Travels & Tours Photos, Pictures, Images, & Reviews.
the convent of San Francisco 
Convento de San Francisco, The San Francisco Convent Of Lima Peru Travels & Tours Photos, Pictures, Images, & Reviews.The Church of San Francisco is located at the junction of the third block of Jiron Ancash (San Francisco) with the first block of Jiron Lampa (Soledad).Crossing the threshold of its main entrance and the left side you can see a marble memorial plaque with the emblem of the Holy See, with the following words inscribed: John XXIII was pleased to raise this church of Jesus San Francisco de Lima to the category of basilica minor in brief January 11, 1963 beginning with these golden words: "Among so many beautiful temples that adorn the city of Lima, near the big port Pacific Ocean, deservedly stands the church of San Francisco Jesus,
 that next to the great monastery of the Friars Minor produces a great
 admiration for both the antiquity of its origin and its distinguished 
architecture "and so on. Lima December 29, 1963.
The most startling of this building are the catacombs, which strike more than one because they were the old cemetery in colonial times. 
Was operated as such until 1810 and it is estimated that at that time 
had to hold up to 25,000 people. Today you can see in the different 
rooms a number of bones arranged by type and sometimes in quite 
"artistic" as the grave. Some doors of the crypt - which according to 
some hypotheses lead to corridors that connect with other churches 
and even the government palace - make this a thrilling space.
 This set of religious sites, is without doubt one of the most important 
and best architectural centers of the city, also one of the largest and
 most beautiful legacies of the colonial era, consequently become 
one of the cultural centers of Peru generates greater interest in visitors.
 The buildings of the Shrine of Our Lady of Solitude, a neoclassical
 façade, the Convent of San Francisco itself, with its Baroque
 facade, the Chapel of the Miracle of neoclassical facade, are what
 make this wonderful monument.

on 4 february 1655 to an earthquake in Lima that brought down the
 Franciscan church, destroying untold artistic riches, coming down
 all the effort of a century.
Fortunately, the Order did not shrink before this ordeal. Francisco
 de Borja, the commissioner general, who was hired by the Portuguese
 architect Constantino de Vasconcellos who made drawings of the
 architect and Lima Manuel Escobar, to request them to edify a new
 Temple, in the same place. And so it happened that the first stone
 was laid by the then Viceroy, Luis Enriquez de Guzman, Count of 
Alba de Liste, on May 8, 1657 and then in 1669 took charge of the
 work the new Commissioner General of the order, Fray Luis de
 Cervela, who managed to finish it.
The new temple was inaugurated with great pomp 
on October 3, 1672